Crew Cut Throwback

It's been a taxing couple weeks. 

We recently transitioned the girls from their sleepers in our room to their cribs in their nursery. It was tough but now we see the light at the end of the tunnel and they really enjoy all the space they now have! But, now my Ruby is plagued with a runny nose, sneezing and coughing. Do I earn overtime for waking up every two hours in the middle of the night? ;) My payment is extra kisses and cuddles (even when they're adults!)

I lost a friend to cancer a couple weeks ago and have been taking a lot of time working on post honoring her. As, naturally, it's been making me sad and maybe overly contemplative, Joe suggested I take a break from it and do something light-hearted. So, I've been working on something else that's now taking some time too (but, of course). 

So, as a way to take a break from both, here is a fun throwback of my good friend, Mary, and I on a trip to San Francisco to help provide meals and warmth for those afflicted with homelessness in the Tenderloin. This was July of 1999, a mere two months later my mother died. I remember going to the funeral with my short, bleached hairdo thinking I was sure my mom was rolling her eyes as she never let my sister and I cut our hair. She'd be happy to know it grew back pretty fast.

Happy Thursday!

Mary and Me- SF Summer of 1999

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